Jesus' death was God's means of providing redemption for all of mankind! By His death, Jesus paid the penalty for the sins of mankind once and for all. Jesus' death was more than just the senseless and cruel murder of an innocent man at the hands of a misguided Jewish mob. God's Word indicates that there can be no forgiveness of sins without the shedding of blood (Heb. But the Bible-Gibson's inspiration for the film-does. What is the significance of Christ's blood? The movie does not answer this question clearly. From the pool of blood that covered the ground following His flogging.to the droplet of blood that dripped down over his eyes after He was crowned with thorns.to the flow of blood that spewed from His side on the cross.His blood is everywhere. The blood of Christ is particularly prominent throughout the film. Only the most unfeeling individual could watch this film and not have an emotional response. The movie is two hours of relentless, wanton brutality with almost nonstop bloodshed, anguish and torture. Without question, the most talked about feature of the film is its graphic nature. Mel Gibson is to be commended for producing a significant, impactive motion picture that compels an emotional response from the viewers. Already, both attendance and revenue records are being set. The response of the general public has been overwhelmingly positive. Christian reviewers, especially evangelical Christians, praise the film for its accurate portrayal of the suffering Jesus Christ endured. Secular reviewers, while not always appreciative of Gibson's pro-Catholic, pro-Christian perspective, at least appreciate the cinematographic power of the film. For the most part the reviews have been positive-appropriately so. Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ has generated widespread reaction from both secular and Christian critics.